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The Health check API represents your OpenPaaS health status. You can use it to monitor services in OpenPaaS.


The health check API is used to retrieve health status of services.

GET /api/healthcheck:

Query for all services health status.


This API provides two kinds of information:



Public Response

  "status": "healthy"

Private Response

  "status": "unhealthy",
  "checks": [
        "componentName": "mongodb",
        "status": "healthy",
        "details": null
        "componentName": "redis",
        "status": "healthy",
        "details": null
        "componentName": "rabbitmq",
        "status": "healthy",
        "details": null
        "componentName": "elasticsearch",
        "status": "healthy",
        "details": null
        "componentName": "ldap",
        "status": "unhealthy",
        "details": {
          "cause": "Health check: Something went wrong with LDAP connection.",
          "info": [
              "configuration": {
                "mapping": {},
                "url": "dummy",
                "adminDn": "test",
                "adminPassword": "test",
                "searchBase": "test",
                "searchFilter": "(test=)"
              "usage": {
                "auth": true,
                "search": true,
                "autoProvisioning": true
              "name": "test",
              "domainId": "5e9888463662616055f5c3be",
              "state": "unhealthy",
              "message": "dummy is an invalid LDAP URL (protocol)"

status: Global status of all services, can be healthy or unhealthy.

checks: An array of health statuses.

Child attributes:


GET /api/healthcheck/:name:

Query for a single service health status.


This API requires user to authenticate as a platform admin in order to retrieve information.


This API accepts one parameter as the name of the service. The name parameter is case-insensitive.


To get a list of available service names for performing health check, please refer to API GET /api/healthcheck/services as described below.


  "componentName": "ldap",
  "status": "unhealthy",
  "details": {
    "cause": "Health check: Something went wrong with LDAP connection.",
    "info": [
        "configuration": {
          "mapping": {},
          "url": "dummy",
          "adminDn": "test",
          "adminPassword": "test",
          "searchBase": "test",
          "searchFilter": "(test=)"
        "usage": {
          "auth": true,
          "search": true,
          "autoProvisioning": true
        "name": "test",
        "domainId": "5e9888463662616055f5c3be",
        "state": "unhealthy",
        "message": "dummy is an invalid LDAP URL (protocol)"



GET /api/healthcheck/services:

Query for all available service names.


This API requires user to authenticate as a platform admin in order to retrieve information.



A response of this API can be fully defined like this:

  "services": ["mongodb", "redis", "rabbitmq", "elasticsearch"]

services : An array of available service names.


For developers

Register a new health check provider

The health check module is available at backend/core/health-check. To register a service as a health check provider, we should separate the logic into a file health-check.js. For each service we have a separated heath-check.js file.


HealthCheckProvider is a class used to modelize services. Its constructor requires the name of the service and a function called checker. The checker function will be defined in detail next section.

const { HealthCheckProvider } = dependencies('health-check');
  new HealthCheckProvider(SERVICE_NAME, checker);

Checker function

Checker is an async function. Its main purpose is to call for some APIs / Methods/ Functions to check for status of service, then return a promise contains formatted messages. We created 2 helper functions to build formatted messages for checker: buildHealthyMessage and buildUnhealthyMessage

function checker() {
  return checkConnection()
    .then(result => (result ? buildHealthyMessage(SERVICE_NAME) : buildUnhealthyMessage(SERVICE_NAME, message)))
    .catch(error => {
      return buildUnhealthyMessage(error);

In the example provided above, we call a function to check for the connection of service, then build the formatted message and return it. Each service has its own functions / methods or APIs to check for health or connection status.

Register function

To make a service available for health check API, call the register method inside the init function of that service:

const { registry } = dependencies('health-check');
// Here we declare the register function to call inside the init function of the service we want to register as a Health Check Provider.
function register() {
  return registry.register(new HealthCheckProvider(SERVICE_NAME, checker));

module.exports = {

After that, import and call the function where the service was initialized.

  const healthCheck = require('./health-check');

After registered successfully, your service will be available via the Health Check API.

Get registered services

In case you want to get all registered services, call the getRegisteredServiceNames method:

const { getRegisteredServiceNames } = dependencies('health-check');
// ['mongodb', 'rabbitmq', 'redis', 'elasticsearch']

Retrieve health status of services

Health check module provides you 2 methods to get the health status of services, check and checkWithDetails. These two return a promise which contains the formatted result of services.

  const { check, checkWithDetails } = dependenies('health-check');
  check().then((result) => {
    // Do something with the result here
  checkWithDetails(['mongodb', 'elasticsearch']).then((result) => {
    // Do something with the result here

Those two functions accept a parameter, serviceNames. The parameter is an array of service names that function will return the result for. If unset, functions will return the status of all services registered. The difference between check and checkWithDetails is check does not return data with details field, while checkWithDetails does. This provides us the ability to protect the sensitive data, prevent it from exposing to unnecessary client.